"I started my fine art career painting horses, and they are still my first love. The movement, anatomy and play of light in, and on, the equestrian form is still my primary inspiration. I also use horses as allegory and symbolism in some of my painting series'.
Paintings of Horses

Watercolour on board of event horses being grazed in front of the Badminton stable arch at Badminton Horse Trials. 20" x 26". Private Collection

Watercolour painting of shire mare and foal. 13" x 9" Available

12" x 16". Watercolour. Original Painting available.

Watercolour taking a break at the National Sidesaddle Championships. 17 1/2" x 20" on paper. Private Collection

18" x 15". Watercolour on paper. Vet's inspection (trot up) at Bramham International Horse Trials. Original Painting available.

Watercolour, 21 x 18" 'Architecture' Series. Original Painting Available.

Watercolour painting of event horse Opposition Buzz. 27" x 18" on paper. Original Painting in Private Collection. Print available from www.horsedrawn.co.uk.

15" x 11". Watercolour of driving class at Burghley Horse Trials. Private Collection.

39 x 25". Pastel painting of event horse in the dressage phase. Original Painting in Private Collection. Print available from www.horsedrawn.co.uk.co.uk

19" x 13". Watercolour of event horse after Cross Country. Original Painting available. Print available from www.horsedrawn.co.uk.

Watercolour of a farrier hot shoeing a horse. 13" x 11 1/2" Original Painting available

Pastel on watercolour paper, 42 x 25" Private Collection.