"Through painting horses I started to study of hounds and freely admit to be fascinated by these expressive, pack living creatures. Many horse owners also own dogs and I am often commissioned to paint the canine as well as the equine (and other varieties of -ine)".
Sporting Art

Watercolour Painting. 22" x 30" on Langton Board. Private Collection.

Watercolour Painting. 17 1/2" x 24". Winner: Horse & Hound Magazine Award Best Hunting Painting 2016. Original Painting in Private Collection. Print available at www.horsedrawn.co.uk.

20' x 25". Watercolour on Langton Board. Original Painting Available.

11½ x 16". Pastel of hounds noses peering out of the trailer. Private Collection Print available from www.horsedrawn.co.uk.

Watercolour Painting. 22" x 30" on Langton Board. Painting Available.

Rollerball Ink and watercolour. Private collection Print available at www.horsedrawn.co.uk.

10½ x 13½". Oil of hound turning to look back. Painting available.

17 x 23". Pastel of hound 'Lincoln' looking back. Original Pastel in Private collection. Print available from www.horsedrawn.co.uk.